How to Improve Trading Experience for Users in 2022

How to Improve Trading Experience for Users in 2022

A newly rewritten rule-based engine allowed us to move most of the risk assessment logic up to the front, in the browser. For instance, the initial investment feasibility check for such a trade can take up to two weeks. A significant part of this time is taken up in gathering, collecting, and analyzing data and information from many different and autonomous sources. To ensure safety and security, we introduced a two-way transaction confirmation feature where both users have to confirm that the service was completed. On top of that, we also added confirmation modals, in case of any accidental finger slips. Once the service provider confirms they have completed the service, the service receiver confirms they have received the service.

The IA analysis and examination of the existing Trader Profile page have revealed significant problems and pain points that hinder the user experience on the Bitget platform. Traders face challenges in accessing crucial information, making informed decisions, and establishing trust. Addressing these issues is paramount to create a Trader Profile page that empowers users and enhances transparency.
Also, the consumers are empowered to handle their finance with greater ease. Within just a few years since its emergence, Fintech has an enormous impact on traditional banks. Gamification also helps to relax and distract yourself – stock trading can be stressful for sure! But if you add, for example, a rewarding system for achieving some milestones (obtaining first stock, first money withdrawal, etc.), it would relieve the tension. And for some users, it will even ignite excitement and a sense of competitiveness. Some experts argue that this is due to the psychological characteristics of perception.

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Web designers use tab-based navigation to keep the site organized and to route users in the right direction. Three weeks was obviously not enough time to redesign all the screens for twoPLUGS’ iOS app, however, we believe that we tackled the project successfully. Our prototype met the needs of our user persona by being simple, trustworthy, informative, and intuitive. If given more time, we would love to explore the service seller’s user flow for selling a service to another user, as well as the flows for posting an offer and a need. Although a high level of security characterizes blockchain technology, there are still some problems with trading platforms.

A great UX design brings user’s love to your product but, keep in mind that UX is a never-ending process. With all that being said, We are happy to hold a big fat thumbs up to pave your way through the next generation of Fintech developments. Based on the analyses in the previous steps, Ideating the features follows after identifying the pain points. In the design thinking process, ideation is the bridge between defining the problem and building a prototype. The ideating Phase is where we can generate as many ideas as possible in different combinations to choose the right solution.
Effective financial management is the bedrock of using a fintech app. If the process of organizing, planning, and controlling finances is smooth and swift, users will probably turn into the brand advocates. By carefully examining the existing IA, I aimed to optimize the arrangement of information, improve the overall user flow, and enhance the accessibility and visibility of critical trader details. This is exactly why it is important to Identify the Pain Points – To minimize the negative impact. The process of testing the product on users to identify the pain points is known as “Failure Mapping”. Performing Failure Mapping will get you a map of user experience problems to be fixed.

APP Analysis

Likewise, UI designers work on how things should look and feel, which includes changing colors, shapes, and buttons. They work with UX designers to make sure the app has a pleasing look and is easy to use by adhering to the design rules. If you want your e-commerce app to succeed, you need to include the best UI/UX practices in your design. But with so many UI/UX strategies available, it gets difficult to focus on the most effective ones. That’s why the deals page has been radically redesigned, and the information has been logically grouped, which significantly reduces the cognitive load.

intuitive user interface for cryptocurrency trading

Examples below are to show part of the improvements made based on the feedback received during the tests. The BA report gave us an excellent overview of the existing processes. The workflow involved multiple tools and external systems, outdated spreadsheet design, and in some cases, manual work. From this analysis and the outcome of the conducted interviews, we captured two user personas (comes as an appendix at the end of the article) and outlined their real needs and pain points.
Companies already use this tech novelty for authentication and expediting transactions. So, instead of paying with cash or credit cards, people can simply perform a fingertip scan. When it comes to building financial software, the importance of great design skyrockets. With the worldwide revenue from the financial technology sector to double by 2024, fierce competition evolves.
UX experts make sure that the action is running in a background mode, doesn’t impact user activity, and is supported by a progress bar indicating an up-to-date status. In addition to addressing the problems identified in the Trader Profile page, it is crucial to incorporate a well-designed onboarding flow into the redesign. The onboarding process plays a critical role in guiding and familiarizing new users, such as Alex, with the Bitget platform. By introducing an onboarding flow, we can effectively support users in navigating the platform, understanding its features, and maximizing their trading experience. UX plays a vital role in building trust and credibility in fintech apps by providing intuitive and secure user experiences.

Adding a few more steps in certain actions such as transactions/payments help in preventing such mistakes. Confirming the actions, especially as it is related to money can never be complained. It does a great job of aligning user satisfaction with business goals. After all the details and transitions were agreed upon and tested, the application was adapted for use on iPad and Android smartphones. The solution was to initially filter out all the characteristics of the “AND” (i.e., to narrow the search circle to the user as much as possible).

  • And it is only a matter of time when this “new user” becomes an “average” user who abandons the service the second they don’t receive the frictionless experience and guidance they expect to receive.
  • Typically, those are people who seek new opportunities to earn money.
  • UX allows for fintech to satisfy user needs, keeping them engaged and interacting with features.
  • To see how the solutions designed are successful and if the users find any problem using the product, Testing of the prototype is done.
  • To earn customers’ trust and loyalty, blockchain services need to focus as much innovation on their customers’ experience as they focus on the backend development.

Yet, for some reason, such platform creators do not think about how to improve UI UX of their product. As a result, we see many intricate trading apps with an incomprehensible user experience. Most users of a fintech app won’t have the financial know how of a banker or cryptocurrency investor. The user experience design must account for the broad audience it serves. UI/UX principles are all about making your application user-friendly and simple, especially in the fintech field. For someone who has never dealt with exchanges and trading, a stock investment app may look incomprehensible.
UI/UX problems with trading apps
While “Frictionless Design” is a mantra for UX designers, let us explain why this contradiction will actually be helpful. It is always safe to have a glossary of terms with their respective meaning. By referring to this, it would make the end-users easy to understand. Robinhood, a Trading & Investing App implemented a straightforward Interface to make Trading simple for the users.

To compile and visualize our user research, we created an affinity diagram from our participants’ responses. With the new UI/UX, you can improve your brand identity and make it relevant. Our team has fully developed the BlocFX web application, covering the frontend and backend. We have extensive experience working with crypto projects and want to talk about one of them. UX allows for fintech to satisfy user needs, keeping them engaged and interacting with features. With these tools available to anyone, fintech must be prepared to face regulatory bodies and adjust to new laws.
UI/UX problems with trading apps
High-quality images act as a hook point for delivering basic information about apps. Users don’t generally read or observe all the content available on an app. Instead, they scan the page to understand if it contains anything useful. That’s why designers are advised to put the important information in the areas with higher chances of visibility. Not to mention, your well-designed search tool should be easily visible on the screen. A common approach is to keep the search bar on the top for quick access and visibility.


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