Efficient Meeting Technology for Hybrid Teams

Efficient Meeting Technology for Hybrid Teams

It’s not easy to conduct effective virtual and in-person meetings, especially when you have a hybrid team that is able to work from anywhere. Meetings consume employees’ time and require participants to concentrate while not being physically close to the other. They can also cause stress if they do not result in productive outcomes. Fortunately, by following a few best practices for conducting meetings–meeting only when necessary, creating clear and concise agendas, encouraging active participation, and using effective collaboration tools that facilitate discussion and decision-making–managers can make meetings a powerful tool for employee productivity.

After a meeting, it is easy for participants to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work that needs to be completed. To combat this, managers need to set clear goals regarding the next steps that are expected to follow from the meeting. They can then break down these goals into smaller action items that are easier to complete. Additionally, managers should ensure that all participants leave with a clear idea of their part in the ongoing project and specific tasks to follow up on.

To keep meetings from being distracted it is vital to create an organized and comfortable space for everyone. The ideal meeting space should be quiet, private and well-lit. A sound system that is well-designed in the meeting room is also essential to maintain clear communication when online meetings. For example the conference call accompanied by the noise of the dishwasher or a dog barking in the background could result in miscommunication and hinder meeting participants from engaging in productive discussion. Furthermore, it’s crucial for managers to keep their teams focused on the task at to be accomplished by implementing technology that block distracting websites and apps during meetings. For example the digital agency O3 World uses an app called Roombot that reads the meeting participants’ Google Calendars to alert them when it’s time to end the meeting. The app also regulates the lighting in the conference room, dimming the light bulbs at the end of the meeting to further discourage attendees from checking their phones.

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